Notification Toggle Refreshed with Holo Style

How Tos


the Android notification system was much less complex and powerful. Two years later, however, notifications are much more powerful, can support rich feedback, and allow you to do many more things. Likewise, j4velin’s app has evolved with the times.

Just as before, Notification Toggle does as you would expect. It allows you to toggle settings of your choosing directly from the notification bar. The visible toggles can be selected within the app’s settings. Furthermore, you can add application shortcuts for easy access. Keep in mind that some settings aren’t directly configurable by default. In other words, if you click the GPS icon, it will take you to the GPS page rather than toggling GPS status. But if your device is rooted, which it likely is if you are reading this, you can install the app directly to /system/app and toggle GPS directly. Finally, the aesthetics of the app’s interface and colors have been heavily tweaked to match the sleek Holo interface.
Head over to the application thread to learn more.

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